Join the Legion
Interested in joining the Legion? The 10th Fretensis is recruiting now, and we are always looking for new members to join our ranks.
The ARRV portrays the 10th Legion Fretensis in training, on campaign, and in battle. The Legion consists of several types of soldier, including Legionaries, auxiliaries and allied detachments. This allows people to join us on the field who are interested in different battlefield roles, or who are otherwise unable to portray Legionaries.
ARRV are also thrilled to welcome civilian and cultural reenactors. Whether you are interested in creating and using household items, eating like the Romans, or exploring the unique cultural structure of the Romans, we have members eager to explore and share their interest in these kinds of portrayals.
Ancient Roman Re-enactors Victoria are accepting new members now. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested in joining, or would like any further information.
ARRV is an inclusive and welcoming club. Members and visitors to our sites and forums must behave respectfully and communicate in a positive and constructive manner, even when disagreeing.
Contact us by completing the form below